23 min read
How to Make Your Solo Business Profitable Using Human Design
Carly Ries
Aug 27, 2024 6:00:00 AM

Have you ever felt like you’re doing everything that professionals tell you to do in your business to make it successful and something just doesn’t feel right or isn’t clicking?
For many of us solopreneurs, we start our own businesses to feel more fulfilled in our careers, but what do you do when that isn’t happening?
Well, let us ask you this, have you ever considered applying the concept of Human Design to your business?
You may not have even heard about this concept, and that will all change in today's episode.
We invited Mel McSherry on to help you become the architect of your success. With over 14 years of business experience, Mel helps solopreneurs slash their stress and bring success to life by blending Human Design and traditional business development tools. Mel coaches others on how to connect with what they want and implement their strengths and strategies to be profitable every day - mentally, emotionally, and financially.
We discuss:
What Human Design is and why it’s important for an solopreneur to know their Human Design
How it can help you be profitable every day
How Human Design and traditional business development tools actually work together
How it helps you discover Your HOW & Get Clarity on Your WHY
Plus so much more. This is a truly unique episode. Be sure to tune in!
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Connect with Mel McSherry
- Visit virtualcoffeewithmel.com
- Visit melmcsherry.com
- Connect with Mel on LinkedIn
Favorite Quote About Success:
"It's the little things you do every day that makes the biggest difference." - Brendon Buchard
Being a solopreneur is awesome but it’s not easy. It's hard to get noticed. Most business advice is for bigger companies, and you're all alone...until now. LifeStarr's SoloSuite Intro gives you free education, community, and tools to build a thriving one-person business.
So, if you are lacking direction, having a hard time generating leads, or are having trouble keeping up with everything you have to do, or even just lonely running a company of one, click here to check out SoloSuite Intro!
About Mel McSherry
International business & life guide, Mel McSherry, helps inspired, yet overwhelmed, entrepreneurs
honor their lives and become the architect of their own success.
Mel uses their spiritual gifts, as well as their 14+ years of business building experience, to slash
entrepreneur’s stress and bring their “success” to life! Using both Human Design in partnership with
traditional business development tools, Mel coaches others on how they can connect to what they want, understand how they are designed to create what they want, and implement their strengths and strategies, so every day they are profitable– mentally, emotionally and financially.
As an entrepreneur since 2010, Mel has launched two successful businesses, become a 2x published author, spoken almost 200 times all over the US and overseas, and created a true life by design– all while being the primary caregiver to their 13-year-old son who is autistic.
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Episode Transcript
Carly Ries:
Have you ever felt like you're doing everything the professionals tell you to do in your business to make it successful and something just doesn't feel right or isn't clicking? For many of us solopreneurs, we start our own business to feel more fulfilled in our careers. But what do we do when that isn't happening? Well, let me ask you this. Have you ever considered applying the concept of human design to your business?
Carly Ries:
If you're like me, you may not have ever heard about this concept, and that will all change in today's episode. We invited on Mel McSherry to help you become the architect of your success. With over 14 years of business experience, Mel helps solpreneur slash their stress and bring success to life by blending human design and traditional business development tools. Mel coaches others on how to connect with what they want and implement their strengths and strategies to be profitable every day mentally, emotionally, and financially. We discuss what human design is and why it's important for a solo preneur to know their human design, how it can help you be profitable every day, how human design and traditional business development tools actually work together.
Carly Ries:
We provide a lot of examples as well as how it helps you discover your how and get clarity on your why. We discuss all this plus so much more, and this is a truly unique episode, so be sure to tune in. You're listening to The Aspiring Solopreneur, the podcast for those just taking the bold step or even just thinking about taking that step into the world of solo entrepreneurship. My name is Carly Ries, and my co host Joe Rando and I are your guides to navigating this crazy but awesome journey as a company of 1. We take pride in being part of LifeStarr, a digital hub dedicated to all aspects of solopreneurship that has empowered and educated countless solopreneurs looking to build a business that resonates with their life's ambitions.
Carly Ries:
We help people work to live, not live to work. And if you're looking for a get rich quick scheme, this is not the show for you. So if you're eager to gain valuable insights from industry experts on running a business the right way the first time around, or want to learn from the missteps of solopreneurs who've paved the way before you, then stick around. We've got your back because flying solo in business doesn't mean you're alone. Okay.
Carly Ries:
So before we jump into this episode, I just have to share this new free offer we have called the SoloSuite Starter. Being a solopreneur is awesome, but it's not easy. It's hard to get noticed and most business advice is for bigger companies, and you're all alone until now. LifeStarr's SoloSuite gives you free education, community, and tools to build a thriving one person business. So if you're lacking direction, having a hard time generating leads, having trouble keeping up with everything you have to do, or even if you're just lonely running a company of 1, be sure to check out Solo Suite Starter at LifeStarr.com and click on products and pricing at the top menu.
Carly Ries:
It's the first one in the drop down. Again, it's totally free, so check it out at LifeStarr.com Click on products and pricing, and it's the first one in the menu. Hope to see you there. Mel, like I said offline, this could be a really funny show with Joe coming back from Europe just yesterday.
Carly Ries:
So, Joe, you're a little jet lagged, you're all off. I'm kind of intrigued to see what happens during this interview, but I think you're still gonna be on your A game. If it's Joe Rando that I know, you're gonna bring it. And so now Mel, we're so excited to have you here today.
Mel McSherry:
I'm excited to see which version of Joe I get to meet. So, hey, let's do it.
Carly Ries:
Me too. So, Joe, don't disappoint. This would be really funny.
Joe Rando:
Yeah. So I've never been known as somebody to do well with a lack of sleep, but let's see how it goes.
Carly Ries:
Let's do this. Mel, we are so interested in having you on the show because you basically help solopreneurs honor their lives and kinda become the architect of their own success. And you do this through, traditional means and traditional tools for people, but you also do it through what you like to call human design. And Joe and I were like, what is this? It sounds so intriguing.
Carly Ries:
So can you just move in and let us know what human design is?
Mel McSherry:
So what human design is, it's a combination of astrology, I Ching or E Ching, depending on the pronunciation, Kabbalah, chakras, and quantum physics. And what it does is it shows you basically your energetic blueprint. It's also coined as the science of differentiation. It shows you not only your energy capacity, but also how and where you make decisions. What are the best ways for you to sustainably, create what you want to create?
Mel McSherry:
And it's a foundation that was given to you at the moment of your birth. So for those who have kind of heard about it or kind of not, the best way to find out what your human design is, is many free out there. You just need to know your birth dates, time, and location. And I love it as an entrepreneurial standpoint because we are so overwhelmed by everything that we think we need to do in order to create what we want. And a lot of us don't really have that true connection to ourselves.
Mel McSherry:
We like to do and by we, I mean me, because this is coming from my personal journey. We tend to lean towards that copy and paste lifestyle of just tell me what to do and I'll do it. And we run into spaces where we feel uncomfortable or things that are asked of us that just don't feel what I say is profitable. And when I mean profitability, I come from a 3 point stand with that. So that's mentally, emotionally, and financially.
Mel McSherry:
And what human design does is it gives you the validation, the confirmation of who you are and how you are designed to create what you want. And then it also gives you that awareness of where you went too far or what resources really aren't meant for you because they were designed with somebody else in mind. So it gives you a really gorgeous operations manual of of your process and your how when it comes to bringing your why to life.
Carly Ries:
I feel like we've recently had, like, not necessarily traditional approaches to business success. We've talked about, hypnosis in a recent interview. We've talked about meditation in a recent interview. So for people that are like, no, no, I'm gonna go get my masters at the business school to make myself successful and are kind of by the book, what do you say to people I'm gonna call it, like, embrace the woo. that's what a friend of mine says, embrace the woo. What do you say to people that are are skeptical about this approach even though you do blend it with traditional methods? how do you overcome that in a sales pitch?
Mel McSherry:
So, I mean, in 1st and foremost, it has quantum physics. This is science. Everything has a frequency that has been scientifically proven. We have different frequencies. And what this is, you could take away the whole, spirituality of it, and just the fact that you have somebody that tells you, this is your energy, this is what you like, what you don't like, you know, maybe you've gone too far doing this. I get a lot of those, what I call, WTF moments of, like, oh, the amount of times I've had people go, how do you know this? They get a little bit kinda creeped out. It's not because, you know, Mystical Sons is telling me. This is just the information that your chart is telling me, so this is what you are telling me. And it's honestly no different than any other chart.
Mel McSherry:
A lot of corporations use DISC, a lot of corporations use SWOTs, a lot of people use, quote unquote, personality tests too. Strength Finders is another more popular one. It is the exact same information except I like to look at it as those ones that I just mentioned, DISC, StrengthFinders, all of that. When you think of, like, an iceberg, those are the top of the iceberg. That bottom that nobody sees, that's human design.
Mel McSherry:
That is why you got what you got in strength finders, and that is why you got what you got in all of these other personality tests. And what human design can do is show you how to shift those if you're not fully happy the way that you are doing things, or you're looking for that clarification on that how. We talk so much about our why. Simon Sinek has coined that beautifully, and I love that. But what we don't have a lot of information on is our own individual how, and that's what human design gives you that clarity on.
Mel McSherry:
So you can take away all of the other stuff, but if you take that information of, oh, yeah. I do get tired after 2 PM, or, yeah. I do like to do multiple things at once and I keep getting chastised because, you know, I'm supposed to niche down. It's that confirmation of, no. You if you're this certain design, you can do multiple things at once.
Mel McSherry:
Let me show you how to do that.
Joe Rando:
You talked about, I think, 4 different components. 3 of which would be considered more, I gotta say, more spiritual, and then quantum mechanics. And can you just walk through a little bit of what's really happening there? I mean, I'm trained as a physicist. So the quantum mechanics part is really comfortable.
Joe Rando:
The rest of it, not comfortable at all. So maybe help me, the left brain scientist, understand how this is tying back first together, and then maybe how that then applies to the real world.
Mel McSherry:
Absolutely. So as I mentioned, first, with the quantum physics, that shows the frequency.
Mel McSherry:
the time of your birth and the location, the planets are in certain areas. Right? So there and with that, we have seen in science that shifts the frequency in the world, that shifts, you know, we've got the moon that pulls away the tide.
Mel McSherry:
We see how planets and where those are aligned mess with. You can say the frequency of the Earth.
Joe Rando:
I'm sorry? Can you maybe just help me? so frequency of what? What frequency, of radio waves? Of light waves?
Mel McSherry:
So yes. So in nature. Right? So people who have put the car battery to or the microphone to pieces of mushrooms or fungus, they can actually hear a tone from it. that's kind of where the chakras come into place, is inside of us, we have certain frequencies, and each part of our body resonates with a frequency, and that has been proven in many scientific studies.
Joe Rando:
I understand that. Yep.
Mel McSherry:
So what that frequency does is it sets the tone of our energy levels. And that's where the science comes in of, yes, we also tack onto astrology and, as I mentioned before, you know, I Ching as well as the Kabbalah to, give us more information. But where that baseline lies is where were where was everything set when we were born because that is now is that energetic frequency that we work with, that we're not always necessarily in that we work with that we're not always necessarily in tune with or understand. I even equate it to, you know, sometimes when people are in different environments, they feel different. That's because your body either kind of resonates with the frequency of that space or you don't.
Mel McSherry:
Whether you are aware of it or not, you feel comfortable in certain spaces and comfortable with certain people, and it's because of that frequency that you are resonating with subconsciously. And it's a lot of those subconscious, information that we don't know. We just chalk it up to, oh, it's outside of my comfort zone. I'm just uncomfortable or they're just creepy or this doesn't feel right to, oh, no. That's because my frequency resonates more with this decision or in this space or in this process.
Mel McSherry:
And when we have that information, then we can make what I we can make better decisions, more profitable decisions, mentally, emotionally, and financially, because we understand why we feel the way that we do, and we have a vernacular to it. Does that does that help?
Joe Rando:
It helps me understand. Yeah. I understand more about the, you know, the whole electrical impulses and the plants and people and all that. So, yes.
Carly Ries:
When people come to you, is it typically because traditional business approaches aren't working, or do people come to you proactively and they're like, you know, I'm just gonna take I wanna be successful. I'm gonna take a holistic approach to this. or is it kind of a mix?
Mel McSherry:
It's definitely a mix and that's why I talk about it as much as I do because a lot of entrepreneurs and people in general don't understand that there's a tool like this out there. And when I meet the people who are not quote unquote spiritual or not quote unquote woo woo, And I talk to them about how this can just logistically help them. And then we spend time together, or they have their first reading, all of a sudden they go, I didn't know this is what I was looking for. I was trying to read this book, or I was trying to get this funnel, or like, I was trying to do this more traditional thing and I never understood why nothing stuck. This is why.
Mel McSherry:
This is what I was looking for. Or I have people who have, you know, never felt, seen, or heard, or understood in spaces as an entrepreneur. These are my misfits. They don't want to be told what to do.
Mel McSherry:
They keep chastised for the way that they wanna do it, but they don't have the confidence or the vernacular to explain why they do what they do. And then they start second guessing themselves, and they lose that trust in themselves. So this is why I I really am so vocal about human design because, again, whether you are quote unquote spiritual or not, it's information. It's foundational information on you that you can apply as you see fit. There's no rules to it.
Mel McSherry:
There's no guidelines to it. It is just understanding what your best practices are so you can just feel more successful, quote unquote, and sustainable as you move through, you know, kind of this mad dash space that is entrepreneurship.
Carly Ries:
Yeah. It's so wild. Well, so for people that are listening that are, kind of teetering, like, I will embrace the spiritual side of things and all of that, but I also am very Logical. What kind of success stories have you seen come out of your approach?
Carly Ries:
Like, how have you become more profitable in those three areas?
Mel McSherry:
So there are several of them. I would say from one of my clients' perspectives, I worked with this amazing woman, Dee, for 2 years. And she was in what I like to call a hallway space. So we talk a lot about the doors of opportunity, but hardly have talked about the hallways in between. And those hallways or transitional points are where I love to support people because they're either coming from corporate into entrepreneurship or for Dee,
Mel McSherry:
It was a company that she built for 7 years and was now no longer loving it and realized she never really took the time to figure out who she is inside of her business. She just went for it and started doing the traditional things and kind of lost herself along the way. And my favorite thing to have watched her throughout the 2 years that we worked at her and even beyond because we've kept in touch, is going from this very I wouldn't say timid because she's not a timid person, but kind of side stepping or second guessing constantly. Well, this feels good, but I've been doing this, or I wanna do this, but I keep being told I need to be here. And when we started when I started helping her explore inside of her human design and guide her with it in mind, along with plugging in those traditional tools that worked well with her, as well as show her how to customize what she already has to this new information, Her business has just exploded.
Mel McSherry:
I mean, this woman is traveling everywhere. She has created an offer that nobody else does that does combine more of a, quote unquote, spiritual slash mindset space with structural when it comes to team building, when it comes to aligning your c suites, when it comes to, you know, more than just culture and people's corporations. And she's created these retreats now that she is doing all over the country and she's in demand for. So to watch her go from well, I was told this and I need to be, we call her Deirdre. We loved Deirdre, but now we're Dee.
Mel McSherry:
And now we wanna do things differently. And for her to now know herself so well that as soon as she gets a ping that she's gone too far, she knows what steps to take to get back into alignment. And she also understands her pace and her decision making. So to change that up as well, change up how she makes decisions, change up how often she works, her business hours, all of that to align with the energy capacity that she knows that she has. And therefore, she is being just fully profitable all throughout the day.
Carly Ries:
That's incredible. Well, so I just wanna go back because I thought an inspiring story would help you, like, kinda grasp what they would get by embracing human design. But you also intertwine it with traditional approaches. So how do you do that? what does the process of working with you look like to kind of figure out the happy medium for people?
Mel McSherry:
Yeah. Great question. So it comes in many different forms. And again, I kinda know which tool to suggest because I know them, because I now know their chart. for example, for those who don't necessarily want to be on social media, Either they just find it, it's just not their space or some people feel they're "too old" for it or they're just over it.
Mel McSherry:
I can look at their chart and together, we can see what are actually the best practices for them if they don't wanna be on social media. So there's an area in their chart where some people are called opportunists, which means you get your best opportunities from face to face interactions. So with that said, if you're if you have that in your chart and you have copious amounts of energy, then let's start doing more networking. Let's start doing more, you know, podcast guesting or things like that where you can get to know people, share your story, and then they give you an invitation for that opportunity. So giving them that permission, no, you don't have to be on social media.
Mel McSherry:
You have these gorgeous things in your chart, let's use that. Or maybe it's possibly you wanna be a speaker. I've been a speaker since 2017. I have a really great tool to help people create their signature talk that is educational, that is value driven, that is not sales y, that gives them that seed of inspiration for their marketing, for their content, so on and so forth. When we talk about funnels, again, looking at their time and energies, a lot of people have questions of, well, should I do group or should I do 1 on 1?
Mel McSherry:
Let's talk about your energy capacity. Let's see what have you already learned before? What do you know now? And then we can start figuring out, okay, so with this group aspect, let's make sure that it's honoring your expectations, your energy, your price point, and so on and so forth. again, when I see somebody's chart and if they continue to work with me after their initial reading, then I can see what traditional tools I have accumulated over the last 14 years. I also know who to introduce them to as an external resource when that time comes. So it's not just, here's a plug and play, take my 5 steps, and go make 60 k in 60 seconds. It's I know who you are. I know your how. let me show you again, you can either customize what you've already created to who you are and and the information you now know.
Mel McSherry:
And here are some other things that I can support you on because I now know you and I can make sure that that is in alignment with your design and your energy.
Carly Ries:
So I have a question in terms of, a person's natural human design and what they're born with and all of this stuff. So you try to figure out what works best for who they are innately. But what if they're in a what if they wanna change part of that? I'm just gonna use my husband as as an example. Smartest guy I know, just wonderful, and he's so disciplined in so many areas of his life.
Carly Ries:
He cannot become a morning person. He has tried everything. He's tried going to bed early. He's tried everything under the sun and cannot do it. And it drives him crazy because he wants to be a morning person so badly.
Carly Ries:
He wants to get up, ride his bike for an hour, enjoy breakfast with the family before he, hits on his laptop. He just can't do it. So there's just like that ingrained pardon to him that he can't shake, but he wants to. So how do you want to change who they are naturally? How do you approach that?
Joe Rando:
That's totally hopeless.
Mel McSherry:
I would start with that, you know, you have tried and you have tried and you have tried. And I think that's another thing that's kind of ingrained in our heads. You know, there's the miracle morning that's, you know, successful people make their bed in the morning. I have never made my bed in a day in my life, and I'm doing just fine. I just happen to be a morning person because that's when my energy is the most potent.
Mel McSherry:
So I would lovingly tell your husband that, look, I appreciate your intention behind this. So let's take that same intention and let's attune it to when the best time is for you. So if you're a night person and you wanna spend time with your family and you wanna spend time with your kids, there's dinner, there's bedtime, there's maybe activities that you can do while in the evening, and just give yourself that permission to, look, I'm not a morning person. And learn to be okay with that because everybody has a different energetic pattern. I even say that to my clients who are night owls, who are trying so hard to keep traditional business hours.
Mel McSherry:
Don't. Your clients, if they're your ideal clients, well, Matt will be okay with the timing that you have. If you are the most creative, like, Dee, going back to her, I get Voxer messages from her at 3 in the morning because that is when she is just the most. and I love that for her because she has that space with me where she can just verbalize everything that came to her at 3 in the morning. She can fall asleep. And then when I wake up, I can verbalize to her.
Mel McSherry:
And then when she wakes up, she can get that information, but she knows that it's out there. And by honing in on that and just being excited about that. That's the joys of being an entrepreneur is that you can, you know, you have full say on how you spend the time that you have. And so if your office hours are from 2 PM to 10 PM, beautiful. Or if you know that you are the most energetic in the mornings, how can you put a boundary around that?
Mel McSherry:
For me, I wake up at 5 in the morning. Am I crazy? Maybe. But I'm also a morning person. And so that is a nonnegotiable for me.
Mel McSherry:
So I never berate anyone and I hear this a lot, I know I should do this. Mel, I know. I know I should. Like, who says? says who? If your intention is you want to spend more time with your family and you want to be able to be a part of things, then take that intention, match it to when you actually have the capacity for that, and make it a nonnegotiable.
Carly Ries:
Alright. I'll tell him. I was kinda hoping you would tell me that I could have some help in the mornings with the kids, but, I know.
Mel McSherry:
I'm sorry. I wish I could.
Mel McSherry:
You would have help at dinner
Mel McSherry:
and bedtime. So, I mean
Joe Rando:
Yeah. Somebody's got to help at bedtime.
Carly Ries:
He's so great with the kids. He definitely pulls his weight. I know some things. But, yeah. that's good to know because I have told him. because I think you also hear, successful people, like you were saying make their bed, get up.
Carly Ries:
And he's in that phase of life where he's working and all that stuff. And so I think he wants to fully optimize that, but the morning
Carly Ries:
side just isn't there.
Joe Rando:
You know, just off topic, but that's called the chronotype, and it's basically built into you. And there's a scientist He has a master class. It's really great if you have master class on sleep. And he talks about the chronotypes and the different kinds of people, and I don't think there's much you can do about it.
Joe Rando:
I mean, you know, if you're lactose intolerant, you're lactose intolerant. Right? You can't fix it with attitude.
Joe Rando:
I think this is similar.
Mel McSherry:
Yeah, You can eat the cheese and be miserable, or you could just not eat the cheese.
Carly Ries:
Well, Mel, this is just so intriguing to me. I feel like through all these like, recent episodes, I just feel like we're kind of opening the minds of a lot of people to decide if it's right for them. They can decide if it's not. when people come to you, what are common problems people have that you help them overcome, that you see time and time again?
Mel McSherry:
I mean, the number one is just that overwhelm and overextension of just again, they're shoulding all over themselves. Like, I should be doing this. I should be doing that. And nobody has taken the time to tell them, no. You shouldn't.
Mel McSherry:
Mel McSherry:
you hear a lot of quote unquote coaches in this space, like, I have the problem. I have the solution. Like, you just have to do these 5 things, which I mentioned before. And it's more than just that. It's more than just what are the things you should be doing.
Mel McSherry:
It's why are you doing the things that you're doing? How would you like to be doing the things that you are doing? And, again, giving yourself that permission to go, oh, no. I know I'm feeling a little bit guilty that I am not on social media. However, I also know that if I do 3 virtual coffees this month, that all of a sudden just puts the work out there for me, and I don't have to think of content.
Mel McSherry:
I can just be me, and then people just kind of preach for me. Right? And so it's adjusting those those foundations that we are taught. So when we get that in information of our energy starts and stops, that it automatically starts initiating boundaries that helps us have a conversation about automatization. What are what are the simple, lovely ways that we can start adding into your business to protect this time and energy that you have?
Mel McSherry:
And, also, just, again, giving them that vernacular of not that anybody really asks why are you saying no, but to tell yourself why you're saying no. A mentor that I was blessed to work with for over a year, John c Maxwell, has a quote that says, you have to say no to the good in order so you can say yes to the best. And it's that best that we need to understand what is ours because it's not for everyone. So it's definitely the overwhelm. There are some people who have what I call corporate PTSD, where they just thought they could copy and paste what they did in their corporate lives and they put it into their entrepreneurial lives and it would magically work and not understanding that that usually doesn't happen.
Mel McSherry:
So how do you understand who you are and how? Again, it's the how. How do you wanna run your business and your daily life? Because this is yours. There's nobody looking over your shoulder. I mean, unless you have, a partner that's, you know, hopefully, lovingly supportive about that. But there really isn't anybody who's checking in on you at the end of the day. So how can you create a routine? How can you create a, quote, unquote, strategy that is, again, sustainable for you, for your energy, and for what you want to create. So I would definitely say, again, the overwhelm and overextension 1.
Mel McSherry:
Corporate PTSD is another. And just full on transitional spaces. They've owned their business forever. They wanna start something new. They've never owned a business before.
Mel McSherry:
Now, they wanna be an entrepreneur. So connecting with themselves when that comes forward for them, there's no sooner or later. Whenever that, you know, happens for them, then, again, it gives them just that confidence, that trust in themselves that can only be taught by understanding yourself better.
Carly Ries:
Well, listeners, if this sounds like you, definitely consider this different approach to setting up your business. Mel, this is so in interesting. You help people find success in all areas of their business and their personal life as well. So we ask what is your favorite quote about success?
Mel McSherry:
My favorite quote is from Brendon Burchard that I quote all the time and surprised it's not tattooed on my body, which is, the little things you do every day that make the biggest difference. And I love that quote because it reminds us that there is a pace to this. It is not a one trick pony. It is nobody has ever an overnight success. And if you really wanna make this sustainably successful, it's those little things that you do for yourself and how you do them for yourself that is going to create that for you even in a way to where then you just stop thinking about it.
Mel McSherry:
The analogy he uses that I love is, like, when you're pushing a dead car and you're wondering how could one person push this, you know, gazillion ton car, But it starts that little bit and then you get traction and then you get and all of a sudden then the car just goes and you don't even have to push it anymore. And that's what I believe human design really helps you do is understand that pace for yourself and that bit by bit so you attach yourself to those little things that makes such a big difference.
Carly Ries:
Such great advice. Well, Mel, if people are intrigued by human design and wanna know more, where can they find you?
Mel McSherry:
Absolutely. So I love a good virtual coffee. I love answering questions. So if you're no pressure, no sales pitch whatsoever. If you wanna spend 30 minutes with me complimentary, just head to virtual coffee with mel.com, or you're welcome to check out my services on my website, melmcsherry.com, or connect with me on LinkedIn, Mel McSherry.
Carly Ries:
Easy enough. Well, thank you so much for coming on the show today. it's fun because we, have some repeat topics on this show obviously when we talk about marketing sales. Like, there are kind of some crossovers, but this is our first design. So thanks, so much for sharing this with us.
Mel McSherry:
Thank you for having me. I'm so excited to to be the gateway drug to this to this research for y'all. So thank you for having me.
Carly Ries:
Well, listeners, thank you so much for tuning in watchers if you're looking on YouTube. But as usual, we love that you're here, but we would also love that 5 star review. So you know the drill. If you could do that, subscribe on YouTube, subscribe on your favorite podcast channel, we would so so so appreciate that because we love putting on this kind of content for you. Otherwise, we hope you all have a great week, and we'll see you next time on The Aspiring Solopreneur.
Carly Ries:
Take care. You may be going solo in business, but that doesn't mean you're alone. In fact, millions of people are in your shoes, running a one person business and figuring it out as they go. So why not connect with them and learn from each other's successes and failures? At LifeStarr, we're creating a one person business community where you can go to meet and get advice from other solopreneurs.
Carly Ries:
Be sure to join in on the conversations at community.lifestarr.com.
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