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How to Be Your Biggest Cheerleader

How to Be Your Biggest Cheerleader

“We are who we believe we are.” C.S Lewis

“I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.”

Who knew the children’s book, The Little Engine That Could, could have such a profound message that would be carried into the rest of our lives?

As kids, we think we can do anything, whether it’s growing up to be a veterinarian or believing that you could fly. Whatever your belief was, the best part is that you truly believed it was possible.

As we grow up, we seem to lose that unwavering confidence in ourselves. We experience failures, criticisms, and even negative self talk when things don’t go our way.

But what if we were able to get those childhood beliefs back? What if, as adults, we became our own biggest cheerleaders, despite any negativity and roadblocks that come our way?

The possibilities would be endless.

And the possibilities can be endless.

In order to do great things in this world, you need to believe you can be, and currently are, great. Only you can make things happen for yourself to truly move mountains in your life. You just need to believe you can.

Attend The Next Solopreneur Success Sessions. Learn more now.

Grab the pom-poms because it’s time to start cheering yourself on. It’s time to become your number-one fan.

Actionable Steps



As crazy as it sounds, the act of smiling can actually make you feel happier in the moment. Doing this first will help you take on the following steps from a more positive and proactive place. 

Examine Your Current Thoughts

Take notice of the current thoughts you have about yourself. Are they positive or negative? If negative, what do you need to stop doing to turn those thoughts around? What beliefs are holding you back from achieving great things? Make an honest effort to discover how you feel about yourself and make adjustments to ensure you always see yourself in a positive light. Note, this doesn’t mean you’ll never fail again, you will, but it means you still see yourself positively and with understanding, even through adversity. Love who you are at your core.

Examine Who You Surround Yourself With

Unfortunately, too often people don’t believe in themselves because they’re told they shouldn’t, or they’re told they should settle for less than their true potential. Take a look at the people you’re spending the most time with and evaluate if the relationships are supportive or if they bring you down. Choose the people who lift you up.

Examine the Type of Content You Consume

If you’re continuing to consume material that tells you you can’t do something, stop viewing it. Don’t let outside influences put limits on your potential. Additionally, avoid content that wastes your time and makes you feel bad about wasting your time (like excessive use of social media). 

Create Goals and Achieve Them

Want to start believing in yourself ASAP? Set goals and start achieving them to boost your confidence. These goals don’t have to be anything groundbreaking. Start with easily achievable ones and build over time. Break goals into bite-sized steps and get a few done every day. It will make you feel incredible.

Know That This Will Take Practice

Be patient with yourself. Negative thoughts will sneak in from time to time, but how you interpret and move forward from those thoughts is what matters. 

Reflect on Past Achievements

Sit back and take in some of the great things you’ve already accomplished in your life. What have you done that you’re proud of? Consider writing these accomplishments down and refer back to them on rainy days. Tony Robbins preaches the concept of "matras," that is, positive self-talk repeated over and over every morning coupled with physically active movement. Think of past achievements as you put this practice into place.

Forgive Yourself

On the previous note, let go of past failures. It may be easier said than done, but it’s time to leave them behind and focus on moving forward.

Be Positive

Start seeing the glass as half-full in situations you’re presented with. The more positive you view other things around you, the more positive you’ll start seeing yourself.

Need help starting, running, and/or growing your solopreneur business? The Solopreneur Success Cycle can help! Access it here.